
VOSpace implementation in Python3.


  • Python3.6 or greater.
  • Docker Support.
  • FUSE filesystem modules (including fusepy)

Quick Start Guide

Quick start guide to building and running a posix backed vospace.

From the root of the repository, create and start database environment:

cd pyvospace/server/deploy
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Create Virtual Environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

From the root of the repository, install pyvospace modules:

pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install .

Create basic configuration:

host = localhost
port = 8080
name = posix
uri =
dsn = postgres://vos_user:vos_user@localhost:5435/vospace
parameters = {}
secret_key = ZlmNyXdQgRhhrC2Wwy-gLZj7Wv6ZtoKH
domain =
use_ssl = 0

name = posix
host = localhost
port = 8081
parameters = {"root_dir": "/tmp/posix/storage/", "staging_dir": "/tmp/posix/staging/"}
use_ssl = 0

Confirm deployment:

python -m unittest discover test

All the tests should pass. Note: Ignore any ConnectionResetError warnings as it’s part of a test.

Start vospace metadata server:

posix_space --cfg test_vo.ini

Start vospace posix storage server:

posix_storage --cfg test_vo.ini

Install appropriate FUSE libraries for your platform, then install fusepy:

pip install fusepy

Start FUSE posix client:

mkdir /tmp/fuse
python -m pyvospace.client.fuse --host localhost --port 8080 --username test --password test --mountpoint /tmp/fuse/``

Test FUSE posix client:

cd /tmp/fuse
mkdir newdir
cd newdir
echo 'hello' >> data
cat data

Indices and tables